Hexa Elevator continues to expand fast within the sector, and we welcome any chances that are provided to our ever-expanding portfolio.

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Passenger Lift

Passenger Lift

The lift vehicle in a passenger lift is totally enclosed and travels vertically within a properly designed lift shaft. Passengers are moved between floors at a reasonable speed, and the control systems are frequently intended to distribute passengers across the building in the most cost-effective manner.

Hospital emergency (code blue), front and rear entrances, a television in high-rise buildings, double-decker, and other purposes are all possible with passenger elevators. Cars' interiors can be opulent, they can have audio visual advertising, and they can have specialised recorded voice announcements.

All of our passenger lifts have VF drives for both the main and door motors, as well as microprocessor-based control screens, a full-height light curtain, and specifically machined imported T-guides. Overload warning, floor announciators, LCD display, press & talk intercom, and other add-ons are available as options. We create elevators that are specifically tailored to your needs. At Hexa Elevators, we are dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality and safety in our elevators. Contact us today to learn more about our Elevator manufacturers in chennai and how we can help upgrade your building's vertical transportation.